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해안경비단 소식

> 홍보마당 > 해안경비단 소식

연동지구대 분들께 다시 한 번 감사의 인사를 올립니다. (By 프라샨트 쿠마)
연동지구대 분들께 다시 한 번 감사의 인사를 올립니다. (By 프라샨트 쿠마)
작성자이상희 작성일2022-10-14
분  류
꼭 감사의 인사를 보내고 싶다고 편지를 작성하느라 시간이 늦어진 점 양해부탁드려요 기억하실 진 모르겠지만 김혜진 순경님 김동우 순경님 박준혁 경사님께 올립니다.

2022년 8월 15일에 도와주신 이야기입니다. 번역하려고 했는데 이 친구의 마음이 번역으로는 전달되는 것 같지 않아서 그냥 원본으로 올려요! :)

Hi I am Prashant Kumar,

I am ecstatic sharing my experience while my trip to Jeju Island on my stay in Korea.

The 3 day trip was indeed fun filled until the last evening of the trip where I lost my bag having wallet along with my Korean Registration Card(ARC). Realizing it, we panicked and eventually decided to inform police. I had never been to any police station in any foreign country and was very nervous. But as we went inside, the way we were treated and entertainment were just overwhelming. The first thing they checked was if I haven't lost my Passport and had money with me. Though I couldn't speak Korean but they put all the efforts to get all the details possible about my belongings. I never expected that I would get back the bag and to inform police was more for the sake of reporting about the registration card .
We returned back to Seoul with mixed emotions. After couple of days, I got a call that from the police officer but i wasn't able to communicate. I took help of my colleague in the office Sanghee ( like million other times) to interact with her . She provided all the details asked for and kept following up with the officer. Meanwhile this became the topic of discussion in our team dinner and there was poll on possibility of getting the bag with no voted in favour. The wait wasn't long when we all were proven wrong, we received picture of the bag with message that it has been found
The bag was sent to my place with all the belongings but the most interesting part was, not just the bag I received two lovely hand made Jeju Police Dolls with our names written on it and a beautiful letter written in English which got everyone in emotions reading it.
I don't have words to thank @ Hye- Jin Kim, Jeju Police Officer for not just finding my belongings but giving the experience and memories which indeed is priceless and will stay forever. Important to mention @Park Joon Hyeok , @Kang Dong-Woo and other officers at Jeju Western Police Station, Yeon- Dong.

I haven't travelled world but I can't imagine this happen in any parts of the globe
나는 한국을 사랑해요.

Best regards,
Prashant Kumar
(63627) 제주특별자치도 서귀포시 표선면 번영로 3262 / TEL : 064-787-4694
홈페이지에 게시된 이메일주소가 자동으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며, 이를 위반시 처벌될 수 있음을 양지하여 주시기 바랍니다.
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