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국민에게 책임을 다하는 희망의 새경찰! 평화로운 자유도시, 세계 속의 제주경찰 언제나 도민과 함께하는 제주동부경찰서


> 제주경찰25시 > 포토스케치

Thank you !
Thank you !
작성자*** 작성일2011-10-12
분  류
Dear Mr. Kang (강 치병),

Thank you for helping me last week.

I was very frustrated after I learned that somebody stole my resident number and created his or her account with my ID on the internet website, Interpark tour. I also was worried about my bank accounts. However, after you explained to me about Cybercrime and how it works, I was relieved and realized I was worrying too much.

With your advice, I contacted Interpark tour today and asked about login history with my resident number, and fortunately they said there’s no activity with my account. Now I don’t have to worry so much.

Thank you for your kindness. And please give my thanks to Junghee Han(한정희), manager of the Investigation team.

Erin Koh

(63656) 제주특별자치도 서귀포시 신중로 27 | 민원상담 대표전화 : 182(유료)
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